For years, sex education in Nevada has been a lightening rod between the Clark County School District Board of Trustees and parents. In fact, the fight for science-based reproductive education is what students were offered until April 28th, 2022 when the trustees voted for a series of lessons for middle and high school students developed by Advocates for Youth. Before the vote, the majority of parents in attendance testified against this curriculum because it is explicit in nature. Many other parents, who could not attend in person, emailed explaining why they did not appreciate the addition of lessons that included role play exercises so students could learn how to appropriately ask for sex. The only value taught is consent, because after all – it’s just a hookup, just sex, what’s the big deal?
Thousands of parents have shown up to trustee meetings and asked our elected officials not to approve Comprehensive Sexuality Education since at least 2014. Thursday evening’s swift approval with no discussion or acknowledgement of how parents feel speaks volumes about how our elected officials view their constituencies; they don’t care. Their vote illustrated their opinion that parents do not know what is best for their children and must abdicate their right to decide what is best for their child to government schools that shepherd them through social-engineered, activist “education.”
These lessons alter established societal norms relative to gender, encourage early sexual debut, promote abortion, and downplay the seriousness of STD’s on health outcomes. Additionally, these lessons are ideologically driven and political in nature. The Advocates for Youth website reads:
“Young people understand that reproductive and sexual health and rights are inextricably tied to social justice and the fight for liberation. Join thousands of youth activists and adult allies as we build a better and more equitable world.”
What does “social justice” and “the fight for liberation” and a “more equitable world” have to do with the science of reproduction? Parents have rejected this radical turn in sex ed that does not serve our students. Parents expect accountability in reading, writing, math and science. They want their children to be principally grounded in honesty, kindness, understanding of personal responsibility and love the gift of freedom. Our future depends on a well educated workforce to be competitive in a global market and in Nevada we are failing miserably in this metric.
Power2Parent has been on the front line raising awareness for parents so they can make informed choices about their child’s education and protecting their right to parent their children as they see fit. After all, parents are the experts on their children and know best when more information relating to sex is appropriate for their child. We are disappointed that Trustees Cepeda, Brooks, Garcia-Morales, and Guzman chose to foist this on parents but, in spite of their lack of judgment and inability to listen to the parents who elected them, we are the parents and we do have empowering choices. What can we do to help build a strong educational foundation in Nevada so every parent can choose the educational situation that best fits their child’s needs.
1. Vote for candidates who support funding students instead of failing systems like CCSD . The current makeup of the legislature is not a friend to choice. In fact, in the 2019 session, lawmakers gutted the Opportunity Scholarship program created to help low-income students get scholarships to private schools. Thousands of needy kids lost their scholarships and were forced back into their failing public school. Teachers unions do not want you to have choice so they pour money into campaigns that will bend to their wishes and keep Nevada taxpayers on the hook for billions.
2. Stay involved and informed by signing up to be a member of our Power2Parent Union at www.power2parent.org. We will keep you informed through email and text alerts for important information and calls to action.
3. Inform family and friends in your communities about issues facing families and parental rights. If you do not want your child to be present for these lessons, you can talk to their counselor about alternative ways to take health or just opt out of sex education during those lessons.
Our goal is to strengthen parental rights especially in education. We are building a parent army for the thousands of Nevadans who are desperate for educational alternatives. Parents are the new special interest group in town. Join us!
CCSD to have students role-play asking for sex. Las Vegas Review Journal
We are parents fighting for our kids. NY Post